8X8 multi-color
Dot matrix LEDs in 8×8 RGB color
In a variety of fields including telecommunications, consumer electronics, messages, and graphics, BETLUX dot matrix LED displays with 8×8 RGB color are employed.
Dot sizes range from 1.90mm to 3.0mm to 3.7mm to 4.8mm to 5.mm to 7.62mm, and the height of the dot matrix itself can be any of the following: 0.7″” | 1.2″” | 1.5″” | 1.9″” | 2.0″” 2.3″”
Betlux’s dot matrix LED display is horizontally stackable, uses minimal current, and supports both ASCII and EBCDIC character sets.
Available with Both a Column Cathode and Anode
Boards or Sockets for Simple PC Installation
The brightness intensity notation (BIN) scale can be used.
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Series No
| Category | Dimension | dot height
| Dot pitch | Dot size (mm)
| Datasheet |
47.8 × 47.8 × 9 mm |
1.9 inch |
6mm |
4.8mm |
60.2 × 60.2 × 9.2 mm |
2.3 inch |
7.62mm |
5.0mm |
60.2 × 60.2 × 9.2 mm |
2.3 inch |
7.62mm |
5.0mm |
60.2 × 60.2 × 9.2 mm |
2.3 inch |
7.62mm |
5.0mm |