agricultural lighting / Horticulture

giving a spectrum of light that most effectively duplicates sunlight or giving the essential spectrums / color combinations for specific activities is the easiest approach to provide effective agricultural lighting. Both of these methods are discussed further below. Color combinations can be different depending on aspects such as location, time of day, temperature, type of plant, phase of plant cycle, production goals, and many more. When it comes to agricultural lighting, BETLUX possesses all of the fundamental colors that are required to simulate sunlight and activate particular functionalities. There is a wide selection of BETLUX color LEDs available for customer selection and tweaking, and these can be used in any section of the spectrum where more colors need to be added to the spectrum or where extra light functionalities are required.
Product Inquiry Product Inquiry Features • Ranging from low- to mid- to high-power LEDs • A wide variety of light colors and wavelengths • RoHS compliance
Other Applications Include Interlighting, Vertical Farming, and Horticultural Top Lighting for Greenhouses.

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