5X9 dot matrix
“BETLUX dot matrix displays are extensively used in communications, consumer electronics, messaging, and graphic applications, and are available in single-color, bi-color, and RGB variants.
Various dot sizes (1.90mm | 3.0mm | 3.7mm | 4.8mm | 5.mm | 7.62mm | 10.0mm | 1.8mm) and wide dot matrix heights (0.7″” | 1.2″” | 1.4″” | 1.5″” | 1.9″” | 2.0″” | 2.3″” | 3.0″” | 3.4″” | 4.0″” | 4.6″”)
Betlux’s LED dot matrix displays are stackable in a horizontal orientation, use minimal current, and support both ASCII and EBCDIC character sets.
Capable of Using Both Column Cathode and Anode
Convenient PC Installation: Plates or Plugs
One possible BIN classification metric is light intensity.”
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Series No
| Category | Dimension | dot height
| Dot pitch | Dot size (mm)
| Datasheet |
20 × 39 × 8.1 mm |
1.2 inch |
4mm |
3x3mm square |